Thursday, March 10, 2011

What can I say?

For all ye faithful blog readers I apologize!

After being sick, followed a few of the worst weeks in my life.. terrible mood swings, over eating, and exhaustion... My legs felt weak, wouldn't run and I felt bloated and fat. This is not really normal... Also stress about the weight gain made me discouraged and that affected my motivation to exercise, what a ridiculous cycle...

Anyhow.. I have so far missed two weigh ins.. I'm going to be aiming for the next one though.

I was able to work for 40 minutes on the treadmill  on Monday and felt stronger for it. I walked today and completed a shorter workout yesterday but with more weight challenges.

My eating has been exceptionally good this week.. so I'm thankful for that.

All in all I'm seeing although I wish I could have taken this contest more seriously, its not about that... I really need to work at being faithful  with changing how I always eat, not just for 12 weeks. That was apparent to me after I got sick.. I lost a bit of weight but right when I was feeling better I put it all back on. I don't want that to happen after the contest.

Also, my weight gain over 7 years was only about 1/2 lb a month! If I can create a deficit of that small amount then in 7 years with a little work I will be my ideal weight. Increase that number to a pound or more, and I'll
be flying.  Patient perseverance and persisting after failure is a difficult lesson to learn but it is needed.

Also, my weight doesn't define me.. its just a body. As incredibly important as that is, it isn't. Personality really is whats important... a sunny countenance, kindness, or a word aptly spoken makes anyone beautiful.. fat or thin. Just like some of the fittest people are some of the meanest ugliest in the world.

So even though my emphasis is on my body.. every once in a while I have to stop and look and remember the other part of things.

Enough rambling.. thanks for sticking with me as I persist on.