Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1

This week went pretty well. It was alot of hard work, but very satisfying. Never a gym user before, I took a big step and went to the gym with my Dad. He showed me the equipment, how to use it, and what kind of workouts I would need to accomplish my goals.

I soon bought a month pass, to see how far I can get in one month. After that, maybe it will be better weather and I can be more active outside with my new muscles!

I completed 5 workouts this week, which was alot of work even though every other day was a very easy day. I am leaving the weekend to rest completely. I'm the type that can burn out if I take it to hard at first.

I was able to make it to the Photo Shoot, and if you read this, THANK YOU Steve Grover, for taking the time to do this! I can't wait to see the results...

Chocolate is constantly finding ways into my hands, as are doughnuts at work and other fattening foods. This is not good! I do not believe in cutting sweets entirely because that leads to binging, but the goal is to limit myself to about two small pieces a day. Which means more working out to compensate. I can handle that :P

The first week has been pretty exciting to see my change in energy, learning new things at the gym and getting some good endorphin rushes. I think next week will be harder as a bit of boredom sets in and that nagging desire to look in the mirror, weigh ten times a day and see if there is any changes happening.

Oh impatience!

Either way, with only 11 weeks left and I plan on finishing, changes or not. Next week I also need to tweaking my diet even more, but that's pretty tough to do.

To all you exercisers and losers out there, I look forward to reading your blogs, and if you would, comments!

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